National Awards : His research in Siddha and Ayudveda fetched four National Awards.They are Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medals awarded by Gujarath Ayurved University, Jam Nagar.
I Prize: Shri Hari Om Ashram Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University, Jam Nagar in the year . This was awarded to Dr. Thas for the research monograph entitled "Introduction to the scientific basis of Anupana in Indian Medicaine". This paper brought out with experimental evidences the scientific basis of milk, honey, ghee, fresh juice, herbal powders, decoctions like adjuncts / vehicles used in Indian Medicine practice for the administration of drugs. This study proved that use of proper anupana enhanced the thereupeutic efficacy and minimised the toxicities of the drugs used. This work was also the basis for his Ph.D., degree awarded by Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
II Prize in 1979: Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar in the year 1979. This was awarded for the research work entitled. "The Scientific basis of Pathyam and Apathyam in Indian Medicine. This study brought out the significance of dietetics in the treatment of diseases. The study emphasized why certain diet articles like salt, tamarind, etc. should be avoided and why some diet articles with curative properties must be included in the diet of the sick. This study with experimental evidences showed that Indian diet and diet therapy must be scruplously adhered to for the speedy recovery.
III Prize in 1980: Shri Hari Om Ashram Trust Gold Medal was conferred by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar in the year 1980. This was awarded for the research monograph entitled ."Drug Interactions the scientific basis of Anupana and Pathyam in Indian Medicine." This work brought out the advantages of adhering to the basic principles of Anupana and Pathyam. It showed these principles when strictly followed minimised adverse drug interactions and augmented the therapeutic efficacy of the drugs prescribed.
IV Prize in 1980: In the year 1980 another Shri Hari Om Asram Trust Gold Medal was awarded by Gujarat Ayurved University Jam Nagar for the work on "Ashwagandha a remedy of arthritis". This was a combined work with scientists from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
Membership in National Committees : 1. President, Friends of Siddha Medicine, the topmost organisation in India to protect and promote Siddha Medicine 2. Member, Siddha Pharmacopoeia Committee, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Govt. of India, New Delhi. 3. Siddha Expert Member ,General Body National Institute of Siddha Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Chennai. 4. Member Scientific Advisory Committee, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedha and Siddha, Ministry of Health and family welfare Govt. of India, New Delhi. |
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